How far have we come from Godowns

Indian Warehousing market is undergoing a tectonic shift, moving from mere brick-and-mortar dilapidated godowns to state-of-the-art warehouses, equipped with technologically-enabled amenities, quality infrastructure and robust storage mechanisms. With e-commerce boom and digital revolution underway, there is a huge demand by consumers for goods of all types to be delivered at their doorsteps using affordable, competitive pricing models. Businesses have better control over their product inventories in a warehousing model over the traditional godown model, ensures timely delivery model and contributes towards establishing a positive RoI over the longer horizon. Timely order processing results in better shipment rates and exquisite user experience, which is indispensable to sustain and provide a sustainable and tangible business value to the consumers. Warehousing services, hence is a key block towards establishing a profitable supply chain ecosystem. Varying weather conditi...